Our baby is the size of a lime right now (damn I wish I had a corona with lime) |
We had our first official prenatal appointment yesterday. It went well. Besides the really long wait to be seen (and therefore pee) I am really glad we chose to go with them. Everyone is so nice and pleasant. We got to see the bug again and it was the first non invasive sono I have had. It was fantastic to not get probed. I was a little worried that my extra fluff would get in the way of a clear pic, but my worry was for nothing because we were able to see the little one bouncing, waving and kicking. The heartbeat was nice and strong and once again all looked well. I have to admit all that pressing hurt like hell and I am still hurting a little today, but it was so worth it. I had some blood taken, although my definition of some differs from their 7 tubes. Then we sat and talked to the PA who was very nice but a little off on her due date wheel. She had us measuring at 11 wks 5 days and we were only 11 wks 3 days but no biggie. Anyway we left there with 3 appointments scheduled. We have our first trimester screening on 2/11, we go back for results on 2/25 and then we go in for our 16 wk (hopefully gender reveal sono) on 3/5. Busy, Busy, Busy and it feels like it is already flying by.
I will leave you with a pic and some stats to tide you over for now:
the baby bug just chillin' knees up arms bent , sittin' and relaxin'. |
How far along? 11 wks 4 days
How big is baby? the size of a lime
Total weight gain/loss: this fluctuates day by day but it seems I have gained @ 2 lbs
Maternity Clothes: just a belly band - but I could use some jeans
Have you started to show yet?yes but I think its because the extra fluff is rounding out
Sleep: badly - up all the time to pee and shift position
Best moment this week: hearing the baby's hb and seeing the acrobatic show yesterday
Miss Anything? Corona with limes, kidding, actually nothing yet
Movement: haven't felt any but saw plenty on the sonos
Food Cravings: steak and fruit
Anything make you queasy or sick? toothpaste makes me a little queasy
Gender prediction: Girl
Symptoms: some round ligament pain, fatigue and migraines
Major purchases this week? none
Looking forward to: getting the testing over with and hearing good news so I can breathe easier